CYO Basketball

Pee Wee Division Rules

2nd&3rd Grade



v       Overview – The goal of this program is to enable children to develop a fundamental understanding and appreciation of the game of basketball.  Since this is the introductory level for CYO basketball, we will have players who have NEVER played before.  We are also dealing with the fact that basketball is a game played in a small space in close personal contact.  We need to foster an environment where the players are not intimidated or overwhelmed, so that they can learn. This means that the coaches and spectators encourage both teams, are calm and supportive, and never critical.


v       Format – Each session will be one hour and ten minutes long.  The session will start with a practice, to be followed by a four quarter scrimmage, where the length of each portion will be determined by the coordinator or their designated replacement.  Substitution will be at the halfway point in each quarter, except as noted below.  Note that this is a scrimmage, designed to let the children practice their skills in a game-like situation.


v       ALL BASKETS ARE 8’ HIGH.  If they are not cranked down by the school staff, please find the crank and bring them down to the appropriate level.


v       Referees – The head coach for each team will be a referee.  In this function, the coach must take the interests of BOTH teams to heart.  This is not a contest, it is a learning exercise.  The coaches should be cooperative, not competitive.  (By now you should get the idea) Their role is to allow players to develop while keeping control of the scrimmage.  Only calling obvious violations will be enforced.  In the spirit of developing our players, a referee may treat a violation (traveling, double-dribbling, etc.) as a warning to the offending team and allow that team to retain possession of the ball.  The scrimmage should be stopped and the violation should be explained calmly and quietly. This bending of the rules shall be in effect during the entire scrimmage for the first four weeks of the season, and thereafter for the first half of each scrimmage. 


v       Disputes – These rules cannot cover every detail of every scrimmage.  If there is a difference of opinion on style, demeanor, or the rules that cannot be worked out by the coaches, that dispute should be brought to the person in charge of the session, which will either be the division coordinator or his/her designated substitute.  His/her decision is final.


v       Scoring – No score is to be kept, nor is mention of winning/losing ever made.


v       Defense – Man to man defense only. No double-teaming the ball, No double-teaming away from the ball. When a player is dribbling the ball, the defender may attempt to steal. When a player is holding the ball, the defender may not take the ball away. If the player is unable to pass or dribble the ball, one of the coaches should intervene and get the action going again.


v       Pressing – There shall be no pressing whatsoever in the backcourt.


v       Rebounds – Team must drop back to their free-throw line when defensive team gets rebound from a shot, and wait until the ball crosses half court.


v       Passing – Teammates must pass ball a minimum of three times before taking a shot at the basket.


v       Fouls – A player fouled in the act of shooting shall shoot two free throws.  Any player who fouls another player in a non-shooting situation shall be advised that they have fouled, and the foul should be explained.


v       Game Time – Under no circumstances shall a game go beyond its allotted time.  No overtimes shall be played.  We will try to make four 8-minute quarters with a 5-minute break at half time & a 2-minute break between 1st & 3rd quarters.


v       Time Outs – There is a common clock for the three games that will be in progress concurrently.  A coach may call for a time out to explain a point, and he/she should attempt to explain the point for the benefit of both teams.  This suspension in action should not be abused, but at times it can be beneficial for the conduct of a game.


v       Fighting/Taunting – There is zero tolerance of any player that either taunts or fights.  Any player observed doing either of these actions by a referee shall result in immediate removal of the player or players by the referee. Please report to the division coordinator or to the basketball coordinator. 


o       Any player that is ejected a second time within the season for fighting or taunting shall be ejected from the St. Anthony’s basketball program for the remainder of the season (there will be no refund made).


v       Substitutions – There will be a break at the halfway point in each period for substitutions. At any dead ball (NOTE: ball is NOT dead after a made basket) the coach can make discretionary substitutions.


v       Miscellaneous - Shirts must be tucked in at all times.  No jewelry shall be worn during games.  If a player wears glasses, they must be worn in such a way as to keep them from falling off during normal play.


v       Playing Time – All players shall be granted the opportunity to play an equal amount of time during the game or scrimmage.  Generally speaking this means each child will play approximately half a game in terms of minutes to the best of the coaches’ ability.  This program is designed to help teach children and gain their confidence, not win ballgames through the use of selected players.  All coaches in all age groups within St. Anthony’s CYO shall follow this rule.


v       Have fun and please follow the St. Anthony CYO Philosophy.


Our Basketball Program Coordinators are Tom & Lori Walsh.

They can be reached at


Ruled Revised: 18 January 2004

 Page Last Updated: 08 January 2005